The Kindness Project
Unit Description:
In this unit, students will learn what altruism is and why people perform altruistic acts. Students will develop critical thinking and empathy through the enactment of their own kindness projects. Students will expand their vocabulary and develop their reading and writing strategies through several tasks and the use of cross-language strategies.
Build (cross-linguistic) morphological awareness to strengthen vocabulary knowledge.
Promote the use of predicting, inferencing, and connecting for deep understanding in reading.
Foster use of academic conversation strategies to conduct a discussion.
Key Language Elements:
Lesson 1: Learning the key vocabulary in “The Kindness of Strangers”; vocabulary strategies - prefix and suffix; cognates.
Lesson 2: Reading strategies – Prediction and paragraph synthesizing.
Lesson 3: Critical interpretation– Review cases on acts of “kindness”; develop criteria for what constitutes “acts of kindness”; writing skills
Lesson 4: Finalize and orally present criteria for acts of kindness; writing – journal entries with prompt on acts of kindness.
Lesson 5: Introduce the cumulating task - The Kindness Project; develop research strategies and writing skills, create an annotated bibliography, rationale, and an action plan (with template).
Lesson 6: Complete the proposal; oral presentation to peers for feedback.
Lesson 7: Oral presentation of research project and reflections.
To Cite:
Centre for Integrated Plurilingual Teaching and Learning. (2022). Teacher–the kindness project–lesson plan. Retrieved [Month Date, Year], from [URL].